Canon PRISMAdirect 手册

页码 106
Email templates
Configure the email templates
The application allows you to automatically send email messages to the customer. You can
configure the subject and content of the message by entering a default message.
You can configure the following email templates:
• [Order received - customer]
The customer receives a confirmation email about the submitted order.
• [Order received - operator]
The operator receives a notification about a new order.
• [Quotation]
When the customer has requested a calculation of the price, you must send a quotation to the
customer. The customer can accept or reject the price.
• [Price approval]
An approver must accept or reject the price of the order.
• [Price approved]
An approver has accepted the price of the order. The customer receives an email that the price
is accepted.
• [Price rejected]
An approver has rejected the price of the order. The customer receives an email that the price
is rejected.
• [Proof PDF of order]
An operator has created a proof PDF of the order. The customer can check the proof PDF to see
if the merged document is correct. If the merged document is correct, the customer accepts the
proof PDF.
• [Quotation accepted]
An operator has accepted the price of the order on behalf of the customer.
• [Order accepted]
An operator has accepted the order.
• [Order rejected]
An operator requests the customer to change the order.
• [Order ready]
An operator has printed the order.
• [Order dispatched]
An operator has dispatched the order.
• [Order finalized]
An operator has finalised the order.
• [Export completed]
The operator receives a notification that all selected orders are exported.
• [Reset password]
The customer receives an email to change the login password.
Select the email message that you want to configure.
You can change the subject of the email message. 
You can change the default email message for each available language. The languages are
enabled in [Active langauges for system] in the [Order management] component.
Click [Revert to default] to use the default email message again. Your changes will be discarded.
Email templates
Chapter 8 - Order processing settings
PRISMAdirect v1.2