Canon PRISMAdirect 手册

页码 158
[LDAP server user name:]
You must supply a user name and password to retrieve informa-
tion from the LDAP server.
This option is available when you have selected [Cre-
dentials policy: ] [Use the credentials which are stored
on the LDAP server].
[LDAP user password:]
You must supply a user name and password to retrieve informa-
tion from the LDAP server.
This option is available when you have selected [Cre-
dentials policy: ] [Use the credentials which are stored
on the LDAP server].
[Server address:]
You must define the address of the LDAP server. If you define only
the address of the LDAP server, the users are searched through
the entire LDAP server. You can also define the server address and
the search root. When you define the server address and the
search root, the search for users starts at the defined root on the
For example: LDAP://,DC=compa-
ny,DC=net, where:
The address of the domain controller.
• 389
The port which is used to connect to the LDAP server.
• DC=sro,DC=company,DC=net
The path to search for users in the active directory tree on the
LDAP server.
The default port number for a non-secure connection is
389. The default port number for a secure connection is
[Server type:]
Select a server type. The server types which start with “Native…”
are preferred.
The other server types are available for backwards compatibility.
[Use secure connection
Select this option if you want to create a secure connection to the
LDAP server.
To be able to select this option, the LDAP server has to support
The default port number for a non-secure connection is
389. The default port number for a secure connection is
Please make sure that you update the port number if
you want to use a secure connection.
Add or edit an LDAP server
Chapter 3 - Web server
PRISMAdirect v1.2