Canon PRISMAdirect 手册

页码 158
Select the [Use custom user] option. Define the credentials of the custom user for the JDF
Framework. Click [Test connection] to test the credentials.
If you click button [OK] while the custom user has insufficient rights to the SQL server, the
backup file is not created.
• To create the backup file with the credentials of the logged in user:
Deselect the [Use custom user] option.
Click the [OK] button.
The [Configurations] backup file is created.
Click button [Job data].
The 'Browse for Folder' dialog opens.
Browse to the folder where you want to store the [Job data] backup file.
Click the [OK] button.
The [Login information for SQL server] dialog opens.
• To create the backup file with the credentials of a custom user:
The custom user must have login rights and system administrator rights to the SQL server.
Select the [Use custom user] option. Define the credentials of the custom user for the JDF
Framework and the [Print accounting] database. Click [Test connection] to test the credentials.
If accounting is enabled, you can define the credentials for the [Print accounting] database.
If you click button [OK] while the custom user has insufficient rights to the SQL server, the
backup file is not created.
• To create the backup file with the credentials of the logged in user:
Deselect the [Use custom user] option.
Click the [OK] button.
The [Job data]backup file is created.
Chapter 2 - Central server
PRISMAdirect v1.2