Canon PRISMAdirect 手册

页码 126
Redistill a file
If the job contains multiple files, the PDF files are automatically merged into a single document.
When the files are merged into a single document, the document can contain errors. A redistill of
the PDF files can solve these errors. After the redistill, the files must be merged again.
You can click the [Revert to original] button to undo the redistill.
Option [Redistill] uses the printer 'Redistill Driver'. When a PDF file is redistilled, the printing
preferences of the 'Redistill Driver' are applied on the PDF file.
Question: What is a redistill of a file?
Answer: When you redistill a PDF file you print it to Postscript and then convert that Postscript
back into PDF.
A scenario for use of redistill can be:
A user submits 2 PDF files to the Operator Console. One PDF file contains a button with name
“O1”. The second PDF file contains a check box with the same name “O1”.
The operator merges those 2 files. The result is a PDF file that contains 2 buttons, instead of one
button and one check box. This is because the elements have the same name and when the files
are merged the first found element is used.
The solution is to redistill the PDF files before you merge them. The elements are converted to
images during redistill. Now the files can be merged. The PDF file will now correctly contain the
button with name "O1" and the check box with name "O1".
Redistill a file
Select a job. 
The files of the job are shown.
Click the [Redistill] icon. The icon appears when you hover the mouse pointer over the file. 
You must select an original PDF file. You cannot select a file that was converted to PDF.
The file is redistilled.
Redistill a file
Chapter 3 - Job view
PRISMAdirect v1.2