Xerox DocuTech 180 HighLight Color System 用户指南

页码 180
DocuTech 128/155/180 HighLight Color Operator Guide
Service and supplies
The key to effective use of the support center is correct 
identification of the problem. Before calling the support center, it is 
helpful to have the following information available: 
A list of any error messages 
An explanation of how output is different from what you 
An assessment of whether the symptoms follow a pattern or 
occur randomly 
A list of special conditions that may have caused the problem: 
– New applications 
– Changes made to the software 
– Recent service performed 
– Previous conditions under which the application has 
printed properly 
To contact the U.S. Xerox Customer Support Center, call 
1-800-821-2797. The Xerox Customer Support Center provides 
24 hour support. 
Operator training
Operator training is conducted either at your location or at a Xerox 
Customer Education Center shortly after the printer is installed. 
The training includes hands-on practice running basic jobs, 
performing routine maintenance, and solving problems. Determine 
the number of operators you want to attend the initial training and 
schedule training dates and times through your sales 
Supplies service
To avoid downtime, always have an adequate amount of the 
necessary supplies. To do this, you need to establish a procedure 
for checking and ordering supplies. A supplies checklist is 
provided at the end of this chapter to help you with this task. It lists 
the supplies needed for the printer and contains a column for you 
to enter the date when you want to place the order and a column 
to record the date of the actual order. The consumable supplies 
table, also located at the end of this chapter, contains a list of 
supplies available for the printer. 
It is important that you check your supplies regularly and order 
before you run out. Plan on approximately five working days for 
the delivery after placing the order. You can make arrangements 
to receive them sooner in emergency situations.