Xerox DocuColor 12 Printer with Fiery X12 产品宣传页

页码 208
Introduction to the Command WorkStation
Editing and merging files with DocBuilder Pro
When you select a PostScript or raster data job and choose the Thumbnail A or 
Thumbnail B command (from the Job menu or from the right-mouse commands), the 
corresponding Thumbnail slider opens automatically, displaying thumbnails of the file. 
To close the Thumbnail slider, click anywhere in the tab along the right edge of the 
Thumbnail window. When the Thumbnail window is open, the arrows in the tab 
point to the right, indicating that clicking the tab retracts the slider.
In order to open the Thumbnail windows for jobs in the Spool area, the jobs 
must first be converted to PDF files. In addition, the Adobe Acrobat 4.0 application 
and a dongle (included with the DocBuilder Pro Upgrade option for the Command 
WorkStation) are required to view the job. If the dongle is not attached, you will see an 
error message. When you select a job in the Spool area and choose Thumbnail A or 
Thumbnail B, the Acrobat Distiller application launches and the conversion process 
occurs automatically; wait a few moments as the Command WorkStation prepares and 
then opens the job for viewing.
With the Thumbnail A window you can see thumbnail views of any PostScript, PDF, 
or raster data job—that is, any file that is currently RIPping, or any file that has been 
RIPped and held to disk. You can also use the Thumbnail A window to edit a 
PostScript, PDF, or raster file—you can change the sequence of pages, delete pages, 
duplicate pages, insert blank pages, and copy pages from other PostScript, PDF, or 
raster files into the Thumbnail A window. You can save the edited PostScript or raster 
file as a new printable document.
The Thumbnail B window can also display thumbnails of a PostScript, PDF, or raster 
job, and the document displayed in Thumbnail B can be used as a source for editing 
the document shown in Thumbnail A.
In order to copy or merge jobs using the Thumbnail A and B windows, they must be 
jobs of the same page size and data type. In other words, both jobs must be PostScript, 
PDF, or raster jobs—you cannot merge a PostScript job from Thumbnail B with a 
raster job in Thumbnail A.
Be careful not to delete all pages of a job in Thumbnail A without first saving a 
copy of the job.