Cisco Cisco Clean Access 3.5

页码 372
Cisco Clean Access Manager Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 14      Configuring High Availability
Upgrading an Existing Failover Pair
The machines on which the Clean Access Manager software is installed have a free Ethernet port 
(eth1) and at least one free serial port. Use the specification manuals for the server hardware to 
identify the serial port (ttyS0 or ttyS1) on each machine. 
The following procedures require you to reboot the Clean Access Manager. At that time, its services will 
be briefly unavailable. You may want to configure an online Manager when downtime has the least 
impact on your users. 
The Clean Access Manager web admin console supports the Internet Explorer 6.0 or above browser only. 
Upgrading an Existing Failover Pair
For instructions on how to upgrade an existing failover pair, see 
Connect the Clean Access Manager Machines 
There are two types of connections between the Clean Access Manager peers: one for exchanging 
runtime data relating to the Clean Access Manager activities and one for the heartbeat signal. In High 
Availability, the Clean Access Manager always uses the eth1 interface for both data exchange and 
heartbeat UDP exchange. When the UDP heartbeat signal fails to be transmitted and received within a 
certain time period, the standby system takes over. In order to provide an extra measure of security, it is 
optionally recommended to add a serial heartbeat connection between the Clean Access Manager peers. 
The serial connection essentially provides an additional method of heartbeat exchange that must fail 
before the standby system can take over. Note however that only the eth1 connection between the peers 
is mandatory.
Physically connect the peer Cisco Clean Access Managers as follows: 
Use crossover cable to connect the eth1 Ethernet ports of the Clean Access Manager machines. This 
connection is used for the heartbeat UDP interface and data exchange (database mirroring) between 
the failover peers. 
If optionally adding a serial connection, use serial cable to connect the serial ports. This connection 
is used for the additional optional heartbeat serial exchange (keep-alive) between the failover peers.
Serial Connection 
If the computer running the Clean Access Manager software has two serial ports, you can use the 
additional port for the serial heartbeat connection. By default, the first serial port detected on the CAM 
server is configured for console input/output (to facilitate installation and other types of administrative 
If the computer has only one serial port (ttyS0), you can reconfigure the port to serve as the 
high-availability heartbeat connection. This is because, after the Clean Access Manager is installed, SSH 
can be used to access the command line interface of the CAM. 
To reconfigure ttyS0 as the heartbeat connection, follow these steps: 
From an SSH client, access the Cisco Clean Access Manager as 
 and remove or comment out the last line: