Cisco Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8.6 安装指南

页码 46
Step 3
To customize the subject line that appears in all meeting notifications, enter or edit values in the following fields:
Step 4
Check Use Domino Authentication to enable the IBM Lotus Domino authentication feature. See the 
Step 5
Enter or edit the value for Max adv days:
Max adv days: Determines how far in the future a user can schedule a meeting. A user cannot schedule a repeating 
meeting chain that extends past the number of days specified in this field.
Step 6
Enter a value in the Remove messages older than parameter field to periodically clean out the Cisco Unified 
MeetingPlace mailbox. The system cleans out messages older than the value you enter whenever the Admin CleanUp 
Agent runs. See the 
 for information.
Hide Publicly Listed Meeting field
Prevents users from determining whether their individual meetings are listed 
on the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace search page. Instead, this determination is 
based on the default settings in their user profile.
Hide Allow Internet Access field
Prevents users from determining whether their individual meetings can be 
accessed from the Internet.
Make Meetings Web Only
Removes the following fields from the Calendar Entry template:
Call Me
Phone number
Entry announcement
Departure announcement
Number of locations
Record this meeting
This is a system-wide setting. If you have multiple Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 
systems, all systems will be affected. However, this setting only applies to 
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace. It does not change the web interface through the 
click-to-attend link.
Hide Who Can Attend field
Prevents users from choosing the user types who have access to meetings.
Hide Who Can Access MeetingNotes field
Prevents users from choosing the user types who have access to attachments 
and recordings associated with meetings.
MeetingPlace Subject Prefix
Text entered in this field appears in the beginning of the notification subject line. To help 
users identify that they have been invited to a Cisco Unified MeetingPlace meeting, enter 
text such as MeetingPlace Meeting or Online Meeting in this field.
MeetingPlace Subject Postfix
Text entered in this field appears at the end of the notification subject line.
MeetingPlace Call Label
Text entered in this field appears before the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace phone number in 
the notification subject line. Use this parameter to enter a description, such as 
MeetingPlace Phone Number.
MeetingPlace Meeting ID Label
Text entered in this field appears before the meeting ID in the notification subject line. Use 
this parameter to enter a description, such as Meeting ID.