Cisco Cisco Web Security Appliance S670 發佈版本通知

页码 76
I R O N P O R T   A S Y N C O S   6 . 3 . 7   F O R   W E B   R E L E A S E   N O T E S
B U G S   F I X E D   I N   6 . 3 . 3
Fixed: FTP Proxy generates a core file uploading files using native FTP in some cases
Previously, the FTP Proxy generated a core file uploading files using native FTP in some cases. 
This no longer occurs. [Defect ID: 52515]
Fixed: Web Proxy returns 504 Gateway Timeout errors to clients accessing unresponsive 
HTTPS servers in some cases
Previously, when the HTTPS Proxy was enabled, the Web Proxy in transparent mode returned 
504 Gateway Timeout errors to clients accessing HTTPS sites after several requests were made 
to unresponsive HTTPS servers. This no longer occurs. [Defect ID: 69647]
Fixed: Decrypting some HTTPS fails in some cases
Previously, decrypting HTTPS websites that only support SSLv3 or TLSv1 failed. This no 
longer occurs. Now, the Web Proxy no longer works with HTTPS websites that only support 
SSLv2. [Defect ID: 54925]
Fixed: Web Proxy generates a core file when a request is being served from the web 
cache in some cases
Previously, the Web Proxy generated a core file when a request was being served from the 
web cache in memory and writing the response to the client failed in some cases. This no 
longer occurs. [Defect ID: 67860]
Fixed: HTTPS Proxy generates a core file and stops decrypting transactions in some cases
Previously, the HTTPS Proxy generated a core file and stopped decrypting transactions when 
HTTPS transactions were reset frequently. This no longer occurs. [Defect ID: 68430]
Fixed: FTP Proxy returns incorrect IP address when replying to the PASV command in 
some cases
Previously, the FTP Proxy returned the incorrect network interface IP address when replying to 
the PASV command when both the M1 and P1 network interfaces were configured for data 
traffic. This no longer occurs. [Defect ID: 51768]
Fixed: Transparently tunneling non-HTTP traffic does not work
Previously, transparent tunneling of non-HTTP traffic did not work. This no longer occurs. 
[Defect ID: 56336]
Fixed: FTP Proxy generates a core file when a client FTP connection is interrupted
Previously, the FTP Proxy generated a core file when a client FTP connection was interrupted. 
This no longer occurs. [Defect ID: 67685]