Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

页码 561
host Call Server to Partial. When a call terminates, the IVR Service releases a license and if
it had been in Partial state due to license depletion, it resumes Up status.
Please note that this licensing scheme might change in future releases, and should customers
order an insufficient number of licenses, they will be impacted in future releases when licensing
tracks the number of ports actually ordered.
See Also
For more comprehensive information on licensing, refer to the Cisco Unified Customer Voice
Portal (CVP) Release 4.x Solution Reference Network Design (SRND)
Where to Next?
To learn more about Unified CVP call flows and physical models, see Chapter 2, "
Chapter 2 is a configuration map that provides an overview of the configuration steps needed
for each call flow model, with references to more detailed information for each configuration
Configuration and Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.1(1)
Chapter 1: The Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Solution
Where to Next?