Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads

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Unified CVP uses the Informix backup utility ontape (for both backup and restore).
Unified CVP names backup files as follows. When a new backup launches—either scheduled,
or on demand from the Operations Console—the new file is named cvp_backup_data. The
Unified CVP backup script has been written to first copy the last backup file cvp_backup_data
to cvp_backup_data.old. This always leaves two backup files on the local system and makes it
easy for Unified CVP administrators to script copy jobs to move the files. The backup script
ensures that two backups cannot be launched at the same time.
The backup script also ensures that a backup cannot be launched if a purge is underway,
and vice versa.
Storing a backup on the local machine does not protect against failure of that machine or loss
of a site. Cisco strongly recommends that customers manually or automatically create a job to
copy the cvp_backup_data.old file to a separate machine, preferably at a separate location.
Again, the user is responsible for managing backup data.
Only the cvp_backup_data.old file can be copied. The cvp_backup_data file can not
be copied. Attempting to copy the cvp_backup_data file will lock the file and prevent another
backup from running.
For information on configuring backups, see 
Retries: Backup and Purge
Occasionally, a backup or purge cannot run when scheduled. For example, if an on-demand
backup is running when a purge is scheduled to run, the purge will be prevented from running.
Retries of scheduled backups or purges are performed according to the following rules.
There are no retries for an on-demand backup.
• A scheduled backup retries every 10 minutes, for up to 4 hours.
• A purge retries every 10 minutes, for up to 6 hours.
• At the end of 4 hours (for a backup) or 6 hours (for a pur
ge), if the operation has not succeeded,
retries stop and an SNMP alert is sent.
• If both a backup and a purge are retrying simultaneously, there is no guarantee as to which
operation will run first.
• If a lock (the mechanism preventing a backup or purge from running) is over 12 hours old,
the system clears it.
Reporting Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 7.0(2)
Chapter 3: Managing the Database
Retries: Backup and Purge