Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads

页码 102
• is exactly
• is empty
Step 6
Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find.
Adding and Removing a Device from a Device Pool
Device Pools are logical groupings of devices, for example, SanJose-Gateways. Device pools
provide a convenient way to define a set of common characteristics that can be assigned to
devices, for example, the region in which the devices are located. The system creates a default
device pool, which contains all devices. Every device you create is automatically assigned to
the default device pool. You can never remove the default device pool from the selected device
pool list. The default device pool ensures that the Administrator can view and manage all devices.
You can create device pools and assign devices to the device pools you created.
Adding or Removing a Device From a Device Pool
To add or remove a device from a device pool:
Step 1
From the Device Management menu, choose the type of device you want to add to or remove
from a device pool. For example, to add a Reporting Server to a device pool, select CVP
Reporting Server from the menu.
A window listing known devices of the type you selected displays. For example, if you selected
Reporting Server, known CVP Reporting Servers are listed.
Step 2
Select the device by checking the checkbox preceding it or highlighting the device and then
clicking Edit.
Step 3
Select the Device Pool tab.
Step 4
You want to add a device to a device pool
 Select the device pool from the Available pane, and then click the right arrow
to move the pool to the Selected pane.
You want to remove a device from a device pool
 Select the device pool from the Selected pane, and then click the left arrow to
move the device pool to the Available pane.
Step 5
Click Save.
Reporting Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 7.0(2)
Chapter 4: Configuring the Reporting Server
Adding and Removing a Device from a Device Pool