Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads 安装指南

页码 26
XML 3.1
Installation Guide 
Updating Cisco CVP VoiceXML 
Refreshing an Existing Install 
If the system already contains an installation of Cisco CVP VoiceXML, the installer can be used 
to re-install the same component. The installer will overwrite only those files created by the 
original installer. Custom files added after installation such as license files, applications, logs and 
custom Java code will not be deleted. However it is strongly suggested to back up all related data 
before proceeding with the update process. To perform the refresh, run the installer according to 
the installation instructions found in section entitled Installing Cisco CVP VoiceXML. Note that 
the installer will automatically detect an existing installation and ask the user for confirmation 
that the refresh will take place.  
Adding Components to an Existing Install 
If the system already contains an installation of Cisco CVP VoiceXML, the installer can be used 
to install additional components that were not previously installed. While the installer will not 
delete any existing files in the installation, it is strongly suggested to back up all related data 
before proceeding with the install of additional components. Run the installer according to the 
installation instructions found in section entitled Installing Cisco CVP VoiceXML. Note that the 
installer will automatically detect an existing installation and ask the user for confirmation that 
the refresh will take place.  
Updating From Cisco CVP VoiceXML 3.0 
If a previous installation of Cisco CVP VoiceXML 3.0 is already present on the target 
installation machine, full uninstallation is required before installing Cisco CVP VoiceXML 3.1.  
Run the “Uninstall Cisco CVP VoiceXML” option from Windows Start Menu.-> Cisco 
Customer Voice Portal.  Once the previous version has been installed, follow the instructions 
listed in the previous sections for the desired Cisco CVP VoiceXML 3.1 installation 
Applications created and deployed from previous installations will remain after uninstallation.  If 
Cisco CVP VoiceXML 3.1 is installed in the same location as the previous version, the existing 
applications do not need to be copied to a new directory.  Deployed applications on CVP 
VoiceXML Server will run without modification and CVP VoiceXML Studio applications can 
be used after importing the application project.  If a new installation directory is created, 
applications from CVP VoiceXML Server and Studio should be copied to the appropriate new 
directory.  For CVP VoiceXML Server, this will be 
and for
CVP VoiceXML Studio 
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