Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads 安装指南

页码 46
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Installation Guide
Chapter 2      Installing Customer Voice Portal Software
Updating Cisco NAM/ICM Components to Support SDDSN
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FTP service needs to be installed and running under IIS on the Application Server to be accessed for file 
downloads. The Gateway/Gatekeeper returns an “undefined error” when attempting to connect to an 
Application Server without the FTP installed.
Updating Cisco NAM/ICM Components to Support SDDSN 
Cisco Listener and AlarmTracker software (part of the Remote Monitoring Suite) needs to be updated 
with support files for SDDSN. You do this by installing the CVP component called “Update External 
SDDSN Components” on any machine that runs Listener or AlarmTracker.
How to update external SDDSN components
Step 1
From the installation CD, run SETUP.EXE
Step 2
On the Welcome screen, click Next
Step 3
On the Copyrights screen, click Next
Step 4
On the CVP License Agreement screen, click Yes
Step 5
On the Choose Destination Location screen, specify the drive and directory where the software will be 
Click Next to accept the default location (C:\Cisco\ISN).
Click Browse, select an alternate location, and then click Next
All CVP components you select will be installed to subfolders under the destination location.
Step 6
On the Install Cisco CVP Components screen, select the Update External SDDSN Components 
option (this should be the only option you select on this screen) to install updates to components external 
to CVP, such as Cisco’s Listener and AlarmTracker. These updates make it possible for the components 
to process CVP-based event messages.