Cisco Cisco Agent Desktop 8.0 用户指南

页码 258
January 16, 2013
user ID
An identifier that designates a particular user and that is required to log into an 
application or server.
Unified Intelligent Contact Management (Unified ICM)
A Cisco computer telephony integration application that collects data and profiles 
customers from the network to the agent’s desktop, and coordinates the delivery 
of voice and data to a targeted answering resource across the enterprise. Using 
network-provided data, caller-entered digits, and information obtained from a 
customer profile database, Unified ICM determines who is calling and why, and 
routes the call to the appropriate area in the contact center.
user interface
An application’s look and feel to the user. 
virtual private network (VPN)
A network created by renting or acquiring some part of someone else’s network (a 
phone company, an Internet provider) and used to communicate between a 
company’s offices.
voice gateway router
A combination of hardware and software that links a POTS telephone network to 
an IP data network. 
voice monitoring
The ability of a supervisor to monitor an agent’s phone conversations without 
being heard and without letting the agent knowing it is happening.
voice over IP (VoIP)
A category of hardware and software that enables people to use Internet protocol 
as the transmission medium for telephone calls.
voice packet
A digitized sample of a voice conversation sent over a network.
voice response unit (VRU)
The computer used to interact verbally via a telephone with a caller. The computer 
plays announcements and questions to the caller, and the caller replies by 
entering information via touch tones, a rotary dial, or by speaking. “VRU” and 
“IVR” are often used interchangeably. See interactive voice response (IVR).