Cisco Cisco TelePresence MX700 维护手册

页码 181
D15331.02 MX700 and MX800 Administrator Guide CE8.1, APRIL 2016. — Copyright © 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 
Cisco TelePresence MX700 and MX800
Administrator Guide
Peripherals settings
Peripherals Pairing CiscoTouchPanels RemotePairing
In order to use Cisco Touch 10 (touch panel) as user interface for the video system, Touch 
10 must be either directly connected to the video system or paired to the video system via 
LAN. The latter is referred to as remote pairing.
Remote pairing is allowed by default; you must switch this setting Off if you want to prevent 
remote pairing.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: On
Value space: Off/On
Off: Remote pairing of Touch 10 is not allowed.
On: Remote pairing of Touch 10 is allowed.
Peripherals Pairing Ultrasound Volume Mode
This setting applies to the Intelligent Proximity feature. Keep the setting at its default value.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: Dynamic
Value space: Dynamic/Static
Dynamic: The video system adjusts the ultrasound volume dynamically. The volume may 
vary up to the maximum level as defined in the Peripherals Pairing Ultrasound Volume 
MaxLevel setting.
Static: Use only if advised by Cisco.
Peripherals Pairing Ultrasound Volume MaxLevel
This setting applies to the Intelligent Proximity feature. Set the maximum volume of the 
ultrasound pairing message. Refer to the Peripherals Pairing Ultrasound Volume Mode 
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: 70
Value space: Integer (0..90)
Select a value in the specified range. If set to 0, the ultrasound is switched off.
Peripherals Profile TouchPanels
Define the number of touch panels that are expected to be connected to the video system. 
This information is used by the video system's diagnostics service. If the number of 
connected touch panels does not match this setting, the diagnostics service will report it as 
an inconsistency. Note that only one Cisco Touch controller is supported in this version.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: Minimum1
Value space: NotSet/Minimum1/0/1/2/3/4/5
NotSet: No touch panel check is performed.
Minimum1: At least one touch panel should be connected to the video system. 
0-5: Select the number of Touch controllers that are expected to be connected to the 
video system.
System settings
System settings