Cisco Cisco Content Security Management Appliance M160 用户指南

页码 414
AsyncOS 8.3.6 for Cisco Content Security Management User Guide
Chapter 9      Managing Web Security Appliances
  Publishing Configurations to Web Security Appliances
Before You Publish a Configuration Master 
Publishing a Configuration Master overwrites existing policy information on the Web Security 
appliances associated to that Configuration Master. 
For information about which settings you can configure using a Configuration Master, see 
All Publishing Jobs 
The AsyncOS version on the target Web Security appliance must be the same as or newer than the 
Configuration Master version. For specific requirements, see the 
(First time only) You must follow the procedures in 
To ensure that the Configuration Master will publish and that the intended set of features will be 
enabled after publishing, verify the feature sets of each Web Security appliance and the associated 
Configuration Master and make any needed changes. See 
and if necessary, 
If different features are enabled on different Web Security appliances assigned to the same 
Configuration Master, you must publish to each appliance separately, and verify and enable features 
before each publish. 
Save a configuration file from each target Web Security appliance so that you can restore the existing 
configuration in case of problems with the published configuration. See the AsyncOS for Cisco Web 
Security Appliances User Guide
 for details. 
Any change that would cause a Web proxy restart when committed on the Web Security appliance 
will also cause a proxy restart when you publish it from the Security Management appliance. You 
will receive a warning in these situations. 
Proxy restarts may also occur on publish if a change requiring proxy restart has been made on the 
Web Security appliance. For example, if new groups are added on the Web Security appliance to a 
group authentication configuration for an access policy, the web proxy will restart the next time the 
configuration master is published. You will not receive warnings about proxy restarts in these cases.
Web Proxy restarts temporarily interrupt web security services. For information about the effects of 
restarting the web proxy, see the “Checking for Web Proxy Restart on Commit” section in the 
AsyncOS for Cisco Web Security Appliances User Guide
When you publish any change to an Identity, all end-users must re-authenticate. 
Special Situations 
If you have reverted AsyncOS on the target Web Security appliance, you may need to associate a 
different Configuration Master with that appliance. 
If you publish a Configuration Master to a Web Security appliance that does not have a realm 
configured with Transparent User Identification enabled, but you have selected Transparent User 
Identification in an Identity or SaaS Policy: