Cisco Cisco MDS 9000 SANTap 白皮書

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6 #220902 ©2009 
V i r t u a l i z a t i o n   S t r e s s e s   E x i s t i n g   D a t a   C e n t e r  
N e t w o r k s  
The use of server virtualization to drive real server consolidation was one of the major 
IT success stories of the past several years in many large and midsize enterprises. IT 
staffs won major kudos for reducing costs and boosting responsiveness to end-user 
requests for new and expanded applications. Despite this success, however, 
extensive use of server virtualization creates challenges for IT departments. 
IDC has spoken to countless IT administrators who report that stress on existing 
storage provisioning and data protection practices leads to unanticipated spending on 
hardware, software, and network products. They often mention that connection of 
virtualized servers to existing data networks and SANs increases network/cabling 
complexity while also disrupting network performance and reliability. 
I n f o r m a t i o n   G r o w t h   D r i v e s   N e e d   f o r   M o r e  
I n t e l l i g e n t   N e t w o r k s  
The digitization of information is also seen as a boon for employees and customers 
because the access to content and the move to disk-based data protection boost 
productivity and responsiveness while opening up new business opportunities. This 
information explosion, however, also creates a new range of problems: 
Excessive duplication of data 
Spiraling data migration and data replication costs 
Concerns about digital data security and privacy 
Many companies are looking at a wide array of standalone storage appliances, each 
of which targets a specific problem (backup or encrypted data at rest), but IDC has 
spoken to many IT executives who worry that such an approach only complicates the 
management task. They would prefer a solution that addresses all of these needs 
through a common hardware and network foundation. 
U s i n g   a   C o m m o n   N e t w o r k   I n f r a s t r u c t u r e   t o  
D e l i v e r   N e w   S e r v i c e s   F a s t e r  
IDC expects to see greater convergence of diverse network, SAN, and server 
interconnect environments across all data center environments. Based on existing 
investments, individual organizations will tend to use either 8Gbps FC or 10GbE (e.g., 
FCoE, iSCSI, NFS, or CIFS) networks as the starting point for convergence. The 
move toward standard network technologies delivers a number of benefits: 
Reduced cabling costs and complexities  
Lower network and storage configuration costs 
More predictable/reliable network performance