Cisco Cisco 2504 Wireless Controller 故障排查指南

页码 13
As part of the VLAN Select feature, the Mobility Announce message will carry an
additional vendor payload containing the list of VLAN interfaces mapped to a WLAN. This
helps the anchor to decide on Local > Local type of handoff.
When a client roams from one controller to another, the foreign controller sends the VLAN
information as part of the Mobility Announce message, and, based on the VLAN information
received, the anchor decides whether the tunnel should be created between the anchor and
foreign controllers. If the same VLAN is available on the foreign controller, the client context
is completely deleted from the anchor controller and the foreign controller becomes the new
anchor controller for the client.
Note: In a Guest Tunneling scenario, roaming between export foreign and export foreign is
supported. However, roaming between export foreign and export anchor is not supported with
VLAN Select.
In the case of Auto Anchor:
Clients joining a foreign WLC which is exported to an anchor WLC and mapped to
an interface group will receive an IP address in a round robin method inside the
interface group.
Clients joining a foreign WLC which is exported to an anchor WLC and mapped to
an interface only will receive an IP address from that interface only.
Clients roaming between two or more foreign controllers mapped to a single anchor
WLC with an interface group configured will be able to maintain its IP address.
Note: Anchors have to be in the same Mobility Group.
Note: WLANs should be configured identically in the foreign and anchor controllers.
L3 Multicast Configuration in Interface Group
With interface groups, multiple VLANs are mapped to a single SSID. When the clients in different VLANs
subscribe to a Multicast stream, duplicate entries are created in the WLC for a single SSID. As a result, single
multiple streams may be sent multiple times over the air depending on the number of VLANs present in an
interface group. In order to prevent this, an enhancement is performed where a single VLAN is selected as the