Cisco Cisco Flex 7510 Wireless Controller 發佈版本通知

页码 2130
             Open Source Used In                                                                                                                                    319
       described for OpenSSL above.
       (Used for IDNA support) Uses the GNU Lesser General Public
       License [3]. LGPL is a variation of GPL with slightly less aggressive
       "copyleft". This license requires more requirements to be met when
       distributing binaries, see the license for details. Also note that if
       you distribute a binary that includes this library, you must also
       include the full LGPL license text. Please properly point out what
       parts of the distributed package that the license addresses.
       (Used for LDAP support) Uses a Modified BSD-style license. Since
       libcurl uses OpenLDAP as a shared library only, I have not heard of
       anyone that ships OpenLDAP linked with libcurl in an app.
       (Used for scp and sftp support) libssh2 uses a Modified BSD-style
[1] = GPL - GNU General Public License:
[2] = details on
     how to write such an exception to the GPL
[3] = LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License:
[4] = MPL - Mozilla Public License:
1.23 curl 7.33.0 
1.23.1 Available under license : 
License Mixing with apps, libcurl and Third Party Libraries
libcurl can be built to use a fair amount of various third party libraries,
libraries that are written and provided by other parties that are distributed
using their own licenses. Even libcurl itself contains code that may cause
problems to some. This document attempts to describe what licenses libcurl and
the other libraries use and what possible dilemmas linking and mixing them all
can lead to for end users.
I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice!
One common dilemma is that GPL[1]-licensed code is not allowed to be linked