Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance X1070 用户指南

页码 1224
Cisco AsyncOS 9.5 for Email User Guide
Chapter 38      Logging
  Log Subscriptions
Step 2
Scroll down to the Global Settings section. 
Step 3
Click Edit Settings
Step 4
Specify information including the system measurement frequency, whether to include Message-ID 
headers in mail logs, whether to include the remote response, and whether to include the original subject 
header of each message.
Step 5
Enter any other headers you wish to include in the logs.
Step 6
Submit and commit your changes.
Rolling Over Log Subscriptions
To prevent log files on the appliance from becoming too large, AsyncOS performs a “rollover” and 
archives a log file when it reaches a user-specified maximum file size or time interval and creates a new 
file for incoming log data. Based on the retrieval method defined for the log subscription, the older log 
file is stored on the appliance for retrieval or delivered to an external computer. See 
 for more information on how to retrieve log files from the appliance.
When AsyncOS rolls over a log file, it performs the following actions:
Renames the current log file with the timestamp of the rollover and a letter “
” extension signifying 
Creates a new log file and designates the file as current with the “
” extension.
Transfers the newly saved log file to a remote host (if using the push-based retrieval method).
Transfers any previously unsuccessful log files from the same subscription (if using the push-based 
retrieval method).
Deletes the oldest file in the log subscription if the total number of files to keep on hand has been 
exceeded (if using the poll-based retrieval method).
You define a log subscription’s rollover settings when creating or editing the subscription using the 
System Administration > Log Subscriptions page in the GUI or the 
 command in the CLI. The 
two settings available for triggering a log file rollover are:
A maximum file size. 
A time interval.
Rollover By File Size
AsyncOS rolls over log files when they reach a maximum file size to prevent them from using too much 
disk space. When defining a maximum file size for rollovers, use the suffix 
 for megabytes and 
kilobytes. For example, enter 
 if you want AsyncOS to roll over the log file when it reaches 10 
Rollover By Time
If you want to schedule rollovers to occur on a regular basis, you can select one of the following time 
None. AsyncOS only performs a rollover when the log file reaches the maximum file size.