Cisco Cisco Packet Data Interworking Function (PDIF) 维护手册

页码 196
New Feature Summary
Generally Available    06-30-2010 
ECS Features in Release 9.0
This section provides information on new features in the Enhanced Charging Service in 
Release 9.0. 
EDR Generation in Flow-end and Transaction Complete Scenarios 
with sn-volume Fields
In this release sn-volume-amt counters will be re-initialized only when the fields are 
populated in EDRs. For example, consider the following two EDR formats:
edr-format edr1
rule-variable http url priority 10
attribute sn-volume-amt ip bytes uplink priority 500
attribute sn-volume-amt ip bytes downlink priority 510
attribute sn-volume-amt ip pkts uplink priority 520
attribute sn-volume-amt ip pkts downlink priority 530
attribute sn-app-protocol priority 1000
edr-format edr2
rule-variable http url priority 10
attribute sn-app-protocol priority 1000
Previously, if edr2 was generated, even though sn-volume-amt fields are not populated, 
sn-volume-amt counters (uplink bytes, uplink packets, downlink bytes, downlink packets) 
were re-initialized. So the total volume reflected by EDRs in sn-volume-amt counters was 
less than the actual count.
In this release, sn-volume-amt counters will be re-initialized only if these fields are 
populated in the EDRs. Now, if edr2 is generated, these counters will not be re-initialized. 
These will be re-initialized only when edr1 is generated.
Also, note that only those counters will be re-initialized which are populated in EDR. For 
example, in the following EDR format:
edr-format edr3
rule-variable http url priority 10
attribute sn-volume-amt ip bytes uplink priority 500
attribute sn-volume-amt ip bytes downlink priority 510
attribute sn-app-protocol priority 1000
If edr3 is generated, only uplink bytes and downlink bytes counters will be re-initialized and 
uplink packets and downlink packets will contain the previous values till these fields are 
populated (say when edr1 is generated).