Cisco Cisco Aironet 350 Wireless Bridge 信息指南

页码 5
Q. Can I run two computers together without an Access Point?
A. From the Aironet Client Utility (ACU) you can configure the clients to run in AD HOC
mode. This is only a peer−to−peer connection. One PC becomes parent the other is the child.
Q. Do I need special hardware to support encryption?
A. The specific hardware model of the unit determines the level of encryption.
341 and 351 models only support 40−bit encryption
342 and 352 models support both 40 and 128 bit encryption
Q. Which devices can associate with a Client Card?
Client to Access Point
Client to Bridge (in Access Point mode)
Client to Base Station
Client to Client (in AdHoc mode)
Q. At what frequency does a Client Card communicate?
A. In the US, wireless LAN radios transmit and receive in one of 11 channels within the 2.4
GHz frequency. This is a public frequency, and is unlicensed by the FCC.
Q. How do I secure the data across the radio link of a Client Card?
A. Enable Wired Equivalency Protocol (WEP) in order to encrypt the payload of packets sent
across a radio link.
Q. How many clients can associate to an Access Point?
A. An Access Point has the physical capacity to handle 2,048 MAC addresses. But, given that
the access point is a shared medium, and acts as a wireless hub, the performance of each user
is degraded as the number of users increases on an individual access point.
Q. What is the typical range for a Client Card?
A. In an optimal installation, range can be up to 300 feet. The answer depends on many
factors, such as:
data rate (bandwidth) desired
antenna type
cable length
device that receives the transmission
Q. How do I set the Client Card back to its factory default settings?
A. Launch the ACU and choose Commands, then Edit Properties. On each window, choose