Adobe CS4 Production Premium, MLP, ES, CD-SET 65022942 用户手册

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Adobe Creative Suite 4 Production Premium—64-bit Optimization White Paper
Additionally, most tower systems available since 2006 and most laptops available since 2007 
are 64-bit capable, so you may be able to experience the 64-bit performance boost today 
simply by upgrading your OS and adding more RAM.
What are the recommended system configurations?  
For high-end workflows, more memory benefits performance significantly, making a 64 bit 
OS essential. CS4 Production Premium is architected for 64-bit and as a result, a 64-bit OS 
with lots of memory makes the work really flow. From our experience, these guidelines will 
help you, although your mileage will vary: 
Premiere  Pro
 After Effects
Production Premium
Solid Baseline Workflow
Memory rarely an issue
What does this mean for you?  
Most laptops only take 4GB of memory. We’ve got a solid workflow there, but if you can put
in more memory, you’re very likely guaranteed to see performance gains.
What’s the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems?  
The basic difference between a 32-bit OS and a 64-bit OS is that the entire address system
and data path are 64-bits wide versus 32-bits wide. This allows the system to move data 
around in larger chunks and, importantly, provides access to essentially unlimited memory, 
where a 32-bit system is limited to 4GB (and in practice this number is smaller).
What do I need to do to upgrade to 64-bit on a Mac? 
Mac OS Leopard is already 64-bit capable and ready to use additional memory. All you need
to do is upgrade the memory to start seeing the benefits.
What do I need to do to upgrade to 64-bit on Windows? 
When you install 64-bit Vista, make sure that your hardware drivers are available for the
64-bit edition of Vista. Specific Vista 64-bit drivers are necessary in order to run your
hardware - the regular 32-bit drivers won't work. 
Also, it's good practice to update to the latest versions of your software. For Vista, get
Service Pack 1. For Adobe software, be sure you are using Adobe Premiere Pro 4.0.1 and
After Effects 9.0.1.
Also, make sure your copy of Vista has SP1 installed. Service Pack 1 is required for CS4, and
you really don't want to be running Vista without it.
Once you have everything in place—64-bit Vista running, drivers installed, CS4 installed—
here are some tips to maximize performance:
 •  For Adobe Premiere Pro, make sure you have 4.0.1 version, since some of these changes
    were added in the free incremental update.  Adobe Premiere Pro will now utilize more  
One thing is clear—when you buy 
new hardware it’s an easy decision to 
buy a 64-bit system and ensure you 
have headroom in RAM to leverage 
the power and scalability of  
Production Premium CS4.