Cisco Cisco D9800 Network Transport Receiver 许可信息

页码 1363
             Open Source Used In Cisco D9800 Network Transport Receiver Version 0.81
* More information about curve25519 can be found here
* djb's sample implementation of curve25519 is written in a special assembly
* language called qhasm and uses the floating point registers.
* This is, almost, a clean room reimplementation from the curve25519 paper. It
* uses many of the tricks described therein. Only the crecip function is taken
* from the sample implementation.
1.12 e2fsprogs 1.42.9 
1.12.1 Available under license : 
This package, the EXT2 filesystem utilities, are made available under
the GNU Public License version 2, with the exception of the lib/ext2fs
and lib/e2p libraries, which are made available under the GNU Library
General Public License Version 2, the lib/uuid library which is made
available under a BSD-style license and the lib/et and lib/ss
libraries which are made available under an MIT-style license.  Please
see lib/uuid/COPYING for more details for the license for the files
comprising the libuuid library, and the source file headers of the
libet and libss libraries for more information.
The most recent officially distributed version can be found at  If you need to make a distribution,
that's the one you should use.  If there is some reason why you'd like
a more recent version that is still in ALPHA testing (i.e., either
using the "WIP" test distributions or one from the hg or git
repository from the development branch, please contact me
( before you ship.  The release schedules for this
package are flexible, if you give me enough lead time.
Theodore Ts'o
       Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.