Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System

页码 148
Define the Web Service Listening Interface 
4034689 Rev A 
Notes:  http-dncsws Instance 
The “Listen” definitions exist in the /etc/apache2/httpd-dncsws/httpd.conf and 
/etc/apache2/httpd-dncsws/ssl.conf files. 
The dncsws hostname is assigned to the dncs (TED Network) interface on 
systems initially installed with DNCS SR 5.0. 
The dncsws hostname is assigned to the loopback2 ( interface on 
systems upgraded to SR 5.0 that do not have an existing dncseth interface. 
Example Configuration Options 
Note: This is not an exhaustive list of web instance configurations. 
Web Services are on a separate web instance and only HTTPS is supported. Only 
one network interface is required. 
Web UI listens on dncseth (for example, bge2) Port 80  
Web Services listens on dncseth (for example, bge2) Port 443 
Web Services are on a separate web instance and only HTTPS is supported. Only 
one network interface is required but two can be used. 
Web UI listens on dncseth (for example, bge2) Port 80  
Web Services listens on dncsws (for example, bge3) Port 443 
Web Services are on a separate web instance and both HTTP and HTTPS are 
supported. Two network interfaces are required. 
Web UI listens on dncseth (for example, bge2) Port 80  
Web Services listens on dncsws (for example, bge3) Port 80 for HTTP traffic 
Web Services listens on dncsws (for example, bge3) Port 443 for HTTPS 
Web Services are on the same web instance as the web UI and both HTTP and 
HTTPS are supported. 
http web instance supports both web UI and web services 
http web instance listens on dncseth (for example, bge2) Port 80 and 443