Cisco Headend System Release 2.5 安装指南
Determine the Delete Command Option for Sites with SR 2.0 or Later
4020695 Rev C
Determine the Delete Command Option for Sites
with SR 2.0 or Later
with SR 2.0 or Later
The del-hct-cd Utility Decision Flowchart
The following flowchart shows the decision process for determining which delete
command option to use for in-service or out-of-service RMA DHCTs in sites with SR
2.0 or later.
command option to use for in-service or out-of-service RMA DHCTs in sites with SR
2.0 or later.
Note: The terms "del-hct-cd utility" and "Repaired DHCT Staging Script" are
frequently used interchangeably.
frequently used interchangeably.