Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System 数据表

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DBDS Alarm Manager 1.0 
Basic Features 
DBDS Alarm Manager 1.0 reports alarm conditions 
from the following DBDS elements and Alarm 
Manager components and processes: 
•  BIG chassis and the BIG card sets 
•  DBDS Alarm Manager server 
•  DNCS processes, disk and memory 
•  QAM, MQAM, GQAM and GoQAM modulators 
•  QPSK modulators and demodulators 
•  RNCS processes, disk and memory 
Key Features 
This section describes the key features of each 
software component of DBDS Alarm Manager 1.0.           
Alarm Manager 
•  Displays aggregate view of alarms generated by 
DBDS elements, color-coded by alarm severity 
•  Provides context-sensitive online Alarm  
Troubleshooting Help for diagnosing and resolving 
alarm conditions 
•  Offers user-configurable options for filtering and 
displaying alarm information 
Topology Manager 
•  Displays map-like view of the managed systems 
status, color-coded by the highest severity alarm 
present at the location 
•  Features easy access to DBDS elements (such as 
the DNCS, MQAMs, QAMs, and QPSKs), to view 
alarm status and launch configuration activities 
using the DNCS 
Basic Security Manager 
•  Enables user login to the Alarm Manager and 
Topology Manager components 
•  Enables access control to the Alarm Manager and 
Topology Manager component functions 
   Active Alarm List Window 
Topology Manager Window