Cisco DNCS System Release 2.8.1 3.8.1 4.3.1 用户指南

页码 1878
Modify Basic Parameters for a Table-Based QAM
Quick Path: DNCS Administrative Console > DNCS tab > Network Element Provisioning tab >
Table-Based QAM > [Filter and Select QAM] > Edit
After you add a table-based QAM to your system, you can modify any of its basic parameters whenever needed.
Follow this procedure to modify the basic parameters for table-based QAMs. 
On the DNCS Administrative Console, click the DNCS tab.
On the DNCS tab, click the Network Element Provisioning tab.
Click Table-Based QAM.
Use the Filter to display the QAM that you want to modify.
Select the QAM that you want to modify. A check mark appears in the box to the left of the QAM.
Click Edit. The Edit Table-Based QAM window opens for the QAM you selected.
Use the following fields when you manage a table-based QAM in the DNCS.
QAM Name
The name of this table-based QAM. 
You are limited to 20 alpha numeric characters.
We recommend that you establish a naming scheme that allows you to easily
identify the QAM and where it resides.
IP Address
The GigE IP address of this table-based QAM. 
Be careful to properly place the dots (.) between numbers.
Tip: When entering IP addresses, type a period to move from octet to octet. Do
 press the Tab key to move from octet to octet; pressing the Tab key moves
the cursor to the next field on the window.
MAC Address
The GigE MAC address for this table-based QAM.
Determines whether the QAM is active or inactive.
The headend associated with this table-based QAM.
Related Topics
Click Save to save your changes. The Edit Table-Based QAM window closes and the changes you
made are shown in the Table-Based QAMs List window.
Click Exit to close the Table-Based QAMs List window.
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