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页码 2061
Kibaale Children's Centre 
Kibaale Children's Centre (KCC) is located in Kibaale, a small town in the 
south of Uganda, near Tanzania, in East Africa.  The area is known as Rakai 
District.  The population is mostly farmers.  Although people are poor, there 
is enough food.  But this district is suffering from AIDS more than any other 
part of the world.  Some say that it started there.  Estimations are that 10 
to 30% of the Ugandans are infected with HIV.  Because parents die, there are 
many orphans.  In this district about 60,000 children have lost one or both 
parents, out of a population of 350,000.  And this is still continuing. 
The children need a lot of help.  The KCC is working hard to provide the 
with food, medical care and education.  Food and medical care to keep them 
healthy now, and education so that they can take care of themselves in the 
future.  KCC works on a Christian base, but help is given to children of any 
The key to solving the problems in this area is education.  This has been 
neglected in the past years with president Idi Amin and the following civil 
wars.  Now that the government is stable again, the children and parents have 
to learn how to take care of themselves and how to avoid infections.  There 
also help for people who are ill and hungry, but the primary goal is to 
prevent people from getting ill and to teach them how to grow healthy food. 
Most of the orphans are living in an extended family.  An uncle or older 
sister is taking care of them.  Because these families are big and the income 
(if any) is low, a child is lucky if it gets healthy food.  Clothes, medical 
care and schooling is beyond its reach.  To help these needy children, a 
sponsorship program was put into place.  A child can be financially adopted. 
For a few dollars a month KCC sees to it that the child gets indispensable 
items, is healthy, goes to school and KCC takes care of anything else that 
needs to be done for the child and the family that supports it. 
Besides helping the child directly, the environment where the child grows up 
needs to be improved.  KCC helps schools to improve their teaching methods. 
There is a demonstration school at the centre and teacher trainings are 
Health workers are being trained, hygiene education is carried out and 
households are stimulated to build a proper latrine.  I helped setting up a 
production site for cement slabs.  These are used to build a good latrine. 
They are sold below cost price. 
There is a small clinic at the project, which provides children and their 
family with medical help.  When needed, transport to a hospital is offered. 
Immunization programs are carried out and help is provided when an epidemic 
breaking out (measles and cholera have been a problem). 
Summer 1994 to summer 1995 I spent a whole year at the centre, working as a 
volunteer.  I have helped to expand the centre and worked in the area of 
and sanitation.  I learned that the help that the KCC provides really helps. 
Now that I'm back in Holland, I would like to continue supporting KCC.  To do 
this I'm raising funds and organizing the sponsorship program.  Please 
consider one of these possibilities: