Cisco Prisma Optical Networks 1310 and 1550 nm Fixed Optical Attenuators 数据表

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CWDM Passives for  
16-Channel CWDM HFC Architectures 
16-Channel Architecture 
When segmenting a network into smaller clusters the lack of fiber is often a bottleneck.  However, deploying 
the CWDM solution can solve this problem, as this will considerably reduce the amount of fiber required from 
the hub and the node.  The CWDM solution can be deployed in incremental steps.  Operators can start out 
with four channels and as demand for reverse traffic grows, the number of wavelengths can be increased to 8, 
12 and even up to 16 wavelengths on a single fiber. 
Redundant Reverse Path on Two Fibers
To eliminate the bandwidth “choke point”, the CWDM provides a proven and cost-efficient solution in fiber 
poor areas.  With CWDM it is possible to segment the reverse bandwidth from different nodes and enable up 
to a 16-fold capacity increase on each fiber.