Cisco Cisco Prime Unified Operations Manager 8.7 白皮書

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cenAlarmSeverity contains a numeric value associated with the alert severity. The 
possible values for the cenAlarmSeverity values in Operations Manager are 1 through 7.  
cenAlarmSeverityDefinition contains the <numeric value> <severity description> of the 
alert. The <numeric value> will contain the same value as in cenAlarmSeverity. The 
<severity description> provides the string representation of the severity.   
The possible values for cenAlarmSeverityDefinition in Operations Manager are: 
•  1-Informational  
•  2-Warning  
•  3-Critical 
•  4-Undefined 
•  5-Undefined 
•  6-Undefined 
•  7-Undefined 
cenCustomerIdentification and cenCustomerRevision: 
These two attributes are free-format text field. The end users can use it for a further level 
of customization. These fields are filled in by the user at the time of Notification Criteria 
setup. If these two fields were not filled in, then the default values would be: 
cenCustomerIdentification- “-“ and  cenCustomerRevision – “*” 
 Performance and Capacity Monitoring 
The performance data is stored in C:\Program Files\CSCOpx\data\gsu\_#GSUdata#_ for 
72 hours. 
The Node-to-Node test results are stored in C:\Program Files\CSCOpx\data\N2Ntests for 
31 days. 
For more information, see Chapter 7 and Appendix I in User Guide for Cisco Unified 
Operations Manager
, and EDCS-437408. 
A unique file is created for each device per day with a date stamp as part of the 
filename. At the beginning of every day, a new file is created. If monitoring is done for 4 
days starting at 0 hours, on the fourth day there will be three full-day files and one 
partial-day (in-progress) file. On the fifth day, the first day's file is deleted. 
If no data is collected for a 24-hour period, a data file will not be created. However, if 
partial data is collected, a file will be created with "*" filled in for fields that do not have 
collected data. Partial data collection can happen if the device responded to some queries 
but not all. 
Operations Manager updates these files every polling cycle. The default is every 4 
minutes, which can be changed.