Cisco Cisco Unified CallConnector for Microsoft Windows

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How the Single Number Reach Service Works
Incoming call rings you business IP phone. The IP phone rings briefly (for example, John's business 
IP phone).
The Cisco UCC Mobility Service monitors the number on your behalf and answers the call. The 
caller is asked hold, while other numbers are tried.
Based on your personal settings, one or more calls are made to your reach numbers (for example, 
John's mobile phone).
If you answer the call, the Mobility Service requests a password. 
If you enter a valid password, then you are connected to the caller.
If you cannot be reached, then the caller is sent to your voice mailbox (for example, John's voice 
Personal Routing Rules
The Single Number Reach service requires you to setup rules specifying how to handle your incoming 
business calls.
Rules are setup from the Cisco UCC Rules window. Each rule consists of two sections - a set of 
conditions and a set of actions to be executed when the conditions are met. Conditions are specified 
values for a selected set of parameters that are constantly monitored by the Cisco UCC. Actions are 
the tasks that are performed automatically on your behalf when all the condition parameters  are true.
You can select from some of the following rule conditions when setting up a rule:
Whetherto trigger the rule when an Incoming call rings your IP phone (This condition must be 
selected for Single Number Reach rules.)
Telephone number of the caller
Whether the caller’s number is in your personal contacts, speed dial list, corporate directory, or in 
a list of telephone numbers
Your current availability — Available, Away, Busy, or Unavailable
Your current location — Home, Work, On the Road, or On Vacation
Whetherthe day is a weekend, holiday, workday, or a particular day of the week
Whether the current time is in work hours or after work hours
Tasks that can be performed automatically for you:
Route incoming calls to your work, home, or mobile phone.
Update your availability status to Available, Away, Busy or Unavailable.
Update your location to Home, Work, On the road, or On vacation.