Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option 用户指南

页码 181
Statistics Provided
In addition to other call type data, reports on the number of tasks offered,
number of abandoned short tasks, number and percentage of abandoned tasks,
average abandon wait time and service levels.
caltyp21: Call Type Half Hour
In addition to other agent data, reports on the number of short calls for
half-hour intervals.
agtper27: Agent Peripheral Historical All
Reports on number of calls closed, number of customers contacted, average
talk time, and average wrap up time for each query in a campaign for half-hour
intervals for Outbound Option campaigns.
camqry10: Status of Each Query Rule
within a Campaign Half Hour
Reports on number of calls closed, number of customers contacted, average
talk time, and average wrap up time for all Outbound campaigns for half-hour
intervals for Outbound Option campaigns.
camqry11: Status of All Campaigns Half
Reports on current number of customers dialed, not answered, and abandoned
for half-hour intervals for Outbound Option campaigns. Also reports on the
detection of busy, voice, answering machine, and SITTones.
dialer10: Status of Each Dialer Half Hour
Reports on the number of Outbound Option campaign imports that started,
ended, and were good and bad for the half-hour interval.
imprul10: Import Rule
Reports on the number of tasks offered, number of abandoned short tasks,
number of abandoned tasks, average abandon wait time, total abandon wait
time, service level, and number of tasks routed to agents.
persvc20: Peripheral Service Abandoned
for IVR Queue Half Hour. There is also a
daily version of this report: persvc21.
Reports on the number of tasks offered, handled, abandoned, and routed to
agents as well as the average handle time, average abandon wait time, and
total abandon wait time for half hour intervals.
persvc22: Peripheral Service IVR
Self-Service Half Hour. There is also a
daily version of this report: persvc23
Reports on the total number of VRU calls and, depending on whether you
have modified the VRUProgress variables in your script, the number of calls
caltyp35: VRU Call Type Analysis Half
Hour. There is also a daily version of this
handled, not handled, opt out unhandled, force transferred, script transferred,
and assisted within the VRU Self-Service application for the half-hour
Reports on the number of calls offered and in progress, the maximum number
of calls in progress, and the active routing client time for the VRU PG. This
report is not applicable in a System IPCC or ARI environment.
periph06: VRU Peripheral Capacity
The Role of the Default Skill Group in Reporting
The default skill group acts as a bucket to capture information about voice calls not routed by
ICM/IPCC routing scripts or if a skill group is not specified in a routing script. For example, if
Reporting Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions 7.2(1)
Chapter 5: - Monitoring Operations, Configuration, and Scripting
The Role of the Default Skill Group in Reporting