Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option 發佈版本通知

页码 90
Release Notes for Cisco IPCC/ICM Enterprise & Hosted Editions Release 7.0(0) Installer Update C November 24, 2008
New and Changed Information
System IPCC Enterprise Deployment: Restart of Apache Tomcat and Jaguar
When System IPCC Enterprise deployment Machine Initialization is executed, it sets the Apache Tomcat 
service to automatically run after a reboot. However, in some cases this does not occur. You can then go 
to Administrator tools in the Start menu and select Services. Select Tomcat and start the service. To get 
Tomcat to start automatically, take the machine that is running Tomcat out of the domain and then put 
the machine back into the domain. By doing the above, Tomcat should start automatically. If Tomcat 
does not start, have your Administrator run netDiag and dcDiag on the machine to verify if the machine 
is in the domain correctly.
The above discussion applies to the Jaguar service as well.
RMS LGmapper and Operating System Upgrade
Before upgrading the LGMapper server to Windows Server 2003, as a precaution, back up the 
LGMapper_Alarms and LGArchiver_Alarms. Also, stop and set to manual (or disabled) the LGMapper 
and LGArchiver services.
RMS Listener Passthru Removed
RMS Listener passthru was never supported in previous RMS/AlarmTracker releases, but appeared in 
the Listener configuration. The passthru configuration UI has been removed for the RMS 2.1(0) release 
which supports ICM 7.0(0).
Support for International Character Data
When ICM is installed on localized Windows systems, certain data fields accept native characters while 
other fields do not. The details of support for international character data in ICM follow:
Native character data is carried in native language character sets, such as ShiftJIS for Japanese, not 
The ICM data fields which support native character data are:
Agent First Name
Agent Last Name
Reason Code Text
Description fields
ICM components such as Configuration Manager will permit entry and display.
The VRU interface and CTI Server interface will transport textual data as simple byte strings. 
There is no guarantee that the string passage will work.
Latin1 characters are allowed in English, French, German and Spanish versions of ICM 
7.0(0), as well as in English ICM 7.0(0) installed on Latin1 language platforms.
For WebView only, data entry is restricted to ASCII characters.
Only ASCII characters are accepted for Enterprise names, Call Variables, ECCs, and other fields. If 
characters other than ASCII are entered, ICM displays an error message. Interface APIs assume 
ASCII for these data. 
ICM Routing scripts can only be saved using English file names even on localized platforms.