Cisco Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud 4.3.2 用户指南

页码 208
User Roles and Capabilities
User Roles
Order Cloud Services—Commission a virtual machine or physical server or VDC, manage load-balancers, or 
manage network zone security within VDCs.
Create users and update user profile information.
View own and Organization’s constituent users’ Run Rate—the set of recurring charges incurred for cloud 
services they or their users have purchased.
View details and manage network topology and capacity of VDCs to which the OTA has access. May grant other 
organizations access to their VDCs.
View their prior orders and current order status (for themselves and users within their organization).
Virtual and Physical Server Owner
The Virtual and Physical Server Owner (VPSO) is an employee of the organization who orders and provisions both virtual 
and physical servers. The Virtual and Physical Server Owner has access to the following portal pages in the Service Portal 
My Servers—View a list of all of the servers you own or manage, and perform actions such as powering up or down, 
taking a snapshot, or decommissioning.
Order Cloud Services—Commission or decommission a virtual or physical server.
View Run Rate—View the set of recurring charges incurred for the cloud services purchased.
View Details—View details, topology, and capacity of VDCs to which the user has access.
View Orders—View prior orders and current order status.
Virtual Server Owner
The Virtual Server Owner (VSO) is an employee of the organization who orders and provisions virtual machines. The 
Virtual Server Owner has access to the following portals in the Service Portal module:
My Servers—View a list of all of the servers you own or manage, and perform actions such as powering up or down, 
taking a snapshot, or decommissioning.
Order Cloud Services—Commission or decommission a virtual server, or firewall and load-balancing services.
View Run Rate—View the set of recurring charges incurred for the cloud services purchased.
View Details—View details, topology, and capacity of VDCs to which the user has access.
View Orders—View prior orders and current order status.
My Applications—Manage applications.
Solutions Team
The Solutions Team (ST) member has permissions to perform the tasks in the following categories:
Service Groups
Assign Rights and View Services in service groups that contain Cisco content solutions.
Design services, assign rights, and view services in service groups that contain Cisco content solution 
View all aspects of the service definition.