Cisco Cisco Content Security Management Appliance M390 用户指南

页码 428
AsyncOS 9.5.x for Cisco Content Security Management Appliances User Guide
Chapter 4      Using Centralized Email Security Reporting
  Understanding the Email Reporting Pages
Messages with 
Malicious URLs 
One or more URLs in the message were found to be malicious by URL 
Stopped by Content 
The total count of messages that were stopped by a content filter.
If your access privileges allow you to view Message Tracking data: To view 
Message Tracking details for the Content Filter violations in this report, 
click a blue number link in the table. 
Marketing Messages
The total count of advertising messages sent by recognized professional 
marketing groups, for example 
This list item appears on the page only if marketing data are present in the 
This number includes marketing messages identified both by Email Security 
appliances on which the graymail feature is enabled and by appliances on 
which Marketing Email Scanning under anti-spam settings is enabled. 
Social Networking 
The total count of notification messages from social networks, dating 
websites, forums, and so on. Examples include LinkedIn and CNET forums. 
This information is determined by the graymail feature. 
Bulk Messages
The total count of advertising messages sent by unrecognized marketing 
groups, for example, TechTarget, a technology media company. 
This information is determined by the graymail feature.
Graymail Messages
This number includes marketing messages detected by the graymail feature, 
plus social networking messages and bulk mail. It does not include 
marketing messages identified on appliances on which the graymail feature 
is not enabled, even if those totals are included in the Marketing Messages 
Click on the number corresponding to any of the graymail categories to view 
a list of messages belonging to that category using Message Tracking.
See also 
Clean Messages 
This category is mail that is accepted and deemed to be virus and spam free. 
The most accurate representation of clean messages accepted when taking 
per-recipient scanning actions (such as splintered messages being processed 
by separate mail policies) into account. 
However, because messages that are marked as spam or virus positive and 
still delivered are not counted, the actual number of messages delivered may 
differ from the clean message count.
If messages match a message filter and are not dropped or bounced by the 
filter, they are treated as clean. Messages dropped or bounced by a message 
filter are not counted in the totals.
Messages processed on appliances on which the graymail feature is not 
enabled are counted as clean. 
Total Attempted 
This number includes spam, marketing messages (whether found by the 
graymail feature or by Marketing Email Scanning functionality in the 
anti-spam feature), social networking messages, bulk mail, and clean 
Table 4-4
Email Categories on Overview Page