Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option 安装指南

页码 56
19. Enable configuration changes on both the side A Central Controller and the side B Central
How to enable configuration changes:
Set the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cisco Systems, Inc.\ICM\<instance
name>\RouterA\Router\CurrentVersion\Configuration\Global\DBMaintenance key
to 0 on the side A and side B CallRouters of the system being rolled back.
Note: RouterA in the registry key above is RouterB on the side B CallRouter.
Verify that configuration changes are possible.
20. After the uninstallation process has completed, and both the A and B sides of your system
are operating properly, set the ICM/IPCC services that were changed from their original
setting of Automatic to Manual for the uninstallation back to Automatic to ensure that
the system functions properly after a reboot.
Note: If you are not sure which services were changed from Automatic to Manual during
the uninstallation of the Release 7.2(1), examine the setup logs located in C:\Temp\Minor
Release ICM 7.2(1).
Local Setup versus Media Setup
Running ICMsetup.exe from the icm\bin directory is referred to as Local Setup. Running setup.exe
from the media is referred to as Media Setup. ICM Setup behaves differently when installed
from the release media than it does running from the icm\bin directory.
Note: There is no concept of Local Setup for System IPCC. The applicable tasks performed by
Local Setup are performed in System IPCC by the Web Administration Tool.
The Release 7.2(1) media can be used only to install Release 7.2(1). The Release 7.0(0) Media
 is used to install new ICM components.
Note: If a CallRouter, Logger, AW, or WebView Server was not previously installed on a
Release 7.2(1) system, these components can only be installed using Release 7.0(0) Media Setup
after you have uninstalled all Release 7.0(0), Release 7.1(1), and Release 7.2(1)
service/maintenance releases. If the CallRouter, Logger, AW, or WebView Server components
previously existed, a new CallRouter, Logger, AW, or WebView Server instance can be installed
using Local Setup.
Local Setup Changes
Running Local Setup after applying Release 7.2(1) to an ICM 7.0(0) base system, or ICM 7.1(1)
system allows you to:
Add new instances (including those not previously installed)
Add new components (even not previously installed) such as:
Installation Guide Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions Release 7.2(1)
Chapter 1: - Introduction