Samsung RT26H3000SE 用户手册

页码 80
English - 5
ensure that no parts of
the refrigerating circuit are
• When transporting and
installing the refrigerator, do
not touch the water hose
on the back side of the
- This may damage the
refrigerator and as a result
the water dispenser can not
be used.
• Deteriorated insulation
of electrical parts may
cause an electric shock
or fire.
• Do not place this refrigerator
in direct sunlight or expose to
the heat from stoves, room
heaters or other appliance.
• Do not plug several
appliances into the same
multiple power board.
The refrigerator should
always be plugged into its
own individual electrical
outlet which has a voltage
rating that matched the
rating plate.
- This provides the best
performance and also
prevents overloading house
wiring circuits, which could
cause a fire hazard from
overheated wires.
• If the wall socket is loose, do
not insert the power plug.
- There is a risk of electric
shock or fire.
• Do not use a cord that
shows cracks or abrasion
damage along its length or at
either end.
• Do not pull or excessively
bend the power cord.
• Do not twist or tie the power
• Do not hook the power cord
over a metal object, place a
heavy object on the power
cord, insert the power cord
between objects, or push the
power cord into the space
behind the appliance.
- When moving the refrigerator,
be careful not to roll over or
damage the power cord.
- This may result in an electric
shock or fire.
• Do not use aerosols near the
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2015. 8. 7.   �� 11:07