Apple logic pro 8 手册

页码 33
New Features in Logic Pro 8
This is an overview of the new features in Logic Pro 8. For more information on these 
features and their use, see the documents mentioned in the following sections.
Logic Pro 8 Changes
This section provides a summary of new or enhanced Logic Pro 8 features. Further 
details, including usage information, for these functions is found in the 
Logic Pro 8 User Manual.
The user interface of Logic Pro 8 has undergone a significant transformation. This 
includes general graphical enhancements that improve visibility and make things 
easier to use. Further changes include a number of new, or revamped, windows and 
dialogs, and simplified preferences and project settings. Menu structures have also 
been altered—again, streamlining use.
The changes to the interface have resulted in the renaming of many on screen 
elements, settings, and preferences. This is also reflected in the documentation. See 
” on page 6, for details on the main changes.
New Arrange Window
The key change to Logic Pro 8 is a new Arrange window that can incorporate all editor 
windows, the Mixer, and several new windows and on screen elements:
Media or Lists area:
  This new Arrange window area can be displayed at the right side 
of the Arrange window. It contains all list editors, the Audio Bin, Loop Browser, 
Library, and Browser. See “
  The Inspector is an enhanced replacement for the Parameters area of 
earlier Logic versions. See “