Apple powerbook 190.5300 rea 服务手册

页码 27
  PowerBook 5300/190 REA
Program Overview - 0
Program Overview
The PowerBook 5300/190 Repair Extension Authorization 
(REA) program provides instructions for resolving specific 
quality issues that customers may experience on the 
PowerBook 5300 and 190 family of computers. 
 Not every PowerBook will be affected by each issue 
covered under the program, and a customer’s PowerBook 
need not be exhibiting symptoms to be eligible for repair. 
Symptoms Addressed by the Program
1 The AC power connector on the logic board can become 
loose or inoperative as evidenced by the inability to fully 
insert the AC adapter plug into the PowerBook.
2 Some computers may freeze when accessing a device in 
the media bay while using certain PC cards that draw 
higher levels of power. 
3 The plastics may crack.                                                                                                                                   
4 Some computers may take twice as long to boot when 
plugged into AC power as compared to booting from 
battery only.
5 Some computers on larger LocalTalk networks may 
experience devices dropping off the network.