Apple qmaster 2.3.1 手册

页码 10
Late-Breaking News 
About Apple Qmaster 2
This document provides updated information about Apple Qmaster 2 and covers 
these topics: 
This document may be updated as versions of Apple Qmaster are released or new 
information becomes available. You can check for updated information by choosing 
Help > Late-Breaking News when Apple Qmaster is open.
For the latest information about product updates, tips and techniques, and qualified 
third-party devices, visit the Shake website at 
For the latest support information from AppleCare, choose Apple Qmaster Support 
from the Apple Qmaster Help menu or visit the Apple Qmaster support site at 
. To receive automatic notification 
about new support issues, use Safari to bookmark the AppleCare RSS page at 
. See Safari Help for more information 
about configuring RSS feeds.
There is no late-breaking information about Apple Qmaster 2.2, which was not released 
to the public.