Acomdata m-hdxxxuhe5-72 用户手册

页码 109
Step 3: Change the pre-set password or disable
Password Security
Your HybridDrive came from the factory armed with a
pre-set password. If you wish to keep Password Security
enabled, you should change this password (see Option 1
below). If you do not want to secure your Drive you can dis-
able Password Security (see Option 2).
Option 1: Changing the Pre-set Password:
1. In the Welcome Screen, click on 'Change Password'. A win-
dow titled 'SecureHD Login' will appear.
. In the Current Password field, enter: 12345.
. In the New Password field enter your new password. 
. In the 
Confirm New Password field re-enter the new password.
. In the Hint field type in a word or short phrase that will help 
you remember your password in case you forget it. Click OK.
. You will see a message telling you to unplug and plug in the 
device. Click OK, then unplug and plug in the USB cable con-
nected to the Drive. 
7. If you checked 'Do not display the Welcome Screen next time' 
in Step , the Password Security Login window will appear