Aopen crw2440 用户手册

页码 34
-- E-24 --
Enhanced Music CD, CD + and CD Extra 
An expansion of Audio or Mixed-Mode CD consists of two sessions. The first session 
corresponds to CD-DA, while the second session consists of computer data. The 
process is specified in the Blue Book. 
Finalization is the permanent closing of the writing procedure on a CD. After that, it 
cannot be written to, regardless of whether it was produced as a single-session or a 
multi-session CD. 
Green Book 
A book of CD Interactive (CD-I) standards published by Philips and Sony in 1986 
High Sierra 
The forerunner of today’s ISO Standard 9660. It was published in 1986. With the 
passage of time it has lost its significance. 
Hybrid Type CD 
A CD-ROM disc storing "two different platforms of softwares" for Windows and 
Macintosh etc. 
The term “image” describes all edited data that will later be located on a CD. The 
creation of an image file is known as premastering. 
ISO 9660 
ISO Standard 9660 describes the construction of a CD-ROM, so that it may be read and 
processed by different types of operating systems. 
This supplement to the standards comes from Microsoft and is supported by Windows 
95 and Windows NT. The CDs that are created under this standard are in conformity with 
ISO 9660, which allows long file names based on Unicode in additional directory 
Mixed Mode-CD 
Music and computer data are stored on one CD with this type of CD. The computer data 
are generally located on track 1 and audio data are located in the ensuing tracks. 
A CD which is written in several sequential sessions is known as a multi-session CD. 
A process for burning data onto a CD-R. There are two different methods of doing this. 
With the classical and older method, all of the data which are to be recorded onto the CD 
are first stored in a buffer in a large file known as an image file. From there, they are 
copied or burned onto the CD-R. In contrast to this, the method known as On-The-Fly 
transfers the data directly from their original memory locations on a hard drive onto the