arts-pdf variform lite 1.3 用户手册

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ARTS PDF Variform Lite  
7.4 File 
“Single File” is a checkbox which indicates whether the output should be a separate 
PostScript file for each record in the data file, or one consolidated file. 
The “File Name” may be entered manually. Entry of a file name will be active only when 
“Single File” is ON (checked). The initial default file name will be the same as the name 
of the PDF document being used for this job.  
: If “Single File” is turned OFF and the user does not select “Form Field” then 
ARTS PDF Variform Lite will create multiple PostScript files using the file name currently 
displayed in the “File Name” field and add a numerical suffix to each file. For example, if 
the file name shown was “” and there are 3 records to be merged the resulting 
file names will be,, and 
“Form Field” will become active only when “Single File” is OFF (unchecked). This allows 
the user to pick from a list of the form field names in the PDF. The data for that field will 
be used as the file name. For example if the user picks “Last Name” from the list of 
fields, each PostScript file will use the data for that field to name the PostScript file. So, if 
there are 3 records with the names Jones, Anderson, and Smith, the PostScript file 
names will be,, and This is particularly useful if the 
PostScript files are to be later turned back into PDF documents using Acrobat Distiller 
which would create be Jones.pdf, Anderson.pdf, and Smith.pdf documents. 
Note: The output from ARTS PDF Variform Lite is PostScript. This is true whether printing to 
a printer or to a file. To print to a non-PostScript printer, first make a merged PDF then use 
Acrobat’s print function to output the merged file to other types of printers. 
ARTS PDF Variform Lite 1.3 
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