3M X62w 用户手册

页码 84
4. Utilize projector – Advanced -
 The projector can automatically send an alert to specifi ed e-mail addresses when 
the projector requires maintenance or has encountered an error. 
 • Up to fi ve e-mail addresses can be specifi ed. 
 • The projector may be not able to send e-mail if the projector suddenly loses 
 Mail Settings   (   
 To use the projector’s e-mail function please confi gure the following items via a 
web browser. 
  Example: If the IP address of the projector is set to  
 • A Network Restart is required after the SMTP Port confi guration 
settings have changed. Click  [Network Restart]  and confi gure the following 
  6)  Click  [Mail Settings]  and confi gure each item. Refer to the  [Mail Settings]  
item in  [Confi guring and Controlling the Projector via a Web Browser]  for 
further information. 
  7) Click the  [Apply]  button to save the settings. 
 • Click the  [Send Test Mail]  button in  [Mail Settings]  to confi rm 
that the e-mail settings are correct. The following mail will be delivered to the 
specifi ed addresses. 
 Subject line  : Test Mail 
<Projector name> 
: Send Test Mail 
<Testing date> 
  Time <Testing 
IP Address 
<Projector IP address> 
MAC Address  <Projector MAC address> 
  1) Enter  []  into the address bar of the web browser. 
  2) Enter the Administrator ID and Password and click  [Logon] 
  3) Click  [Port Settings]  on the main menu. 
  4) Click the  [Enable]  check box to open the SMTP Port. 
  5) Click the  [Apply]  button to save the settings. 
4.4 Failure & Warning Alerts via E-mail