Avision netdeliver @v2500 用户手册

页码 197
5  Specifying FTP Folder   
Template and Profile 
We know that the first thing you want to do is jump right in and 
create a profile to send a document to your desired server and 
even though we have made the whole process as easy as 
possible, there are still things you need to be aware of before you 
start. The following will introduce you to several server systems 
used with the product.     
The Settings of Filing Server 
FTP Stands for “File Transfer Protocol.” It is a common method of 
transferring files via the Internet from one computer to another. 
FTP use RFC 959[FTP] as their protocol, and the default Port is 
usually 21. Therefore, please make sure you have legal FTP 
account with the privilege of writing under the directory to save 
the files and the password before using FTP to save the files. To 
add a sub-directory from the product, you need to have the 
privilege of adding a new directory.     
Both HTTP and AVPP use RFC 2616[HTTP 1.1] as their protocol, 
and the default Port is usually 80.    If you are not using the HTTP 
port or AVPP port 80 to save the files, you must change the HTTP 
Port or AVPP Port of the product to the port for the Web Server. 