Autotek autocad raster design 2010 用户手册

页码 424
Toolspace Shortcut Menu
Image Insertions view, Insertion object ➤ Write ➤ Export
Raster Design Toolbar
Command Line
Dialog Box
 (page 311)
Exporting an Image to an FTP Site
If you have access to an FTP site, you can export your images to the Internet.
To export an image to an FTP site
Click Image  ➤  Export  ➤  Image.
Select the image to export. You can export only one image at a time using
this command.
NOTE You can also select the image first, and then right-click to display the
shortcut menu where you can select Image ➤ Write ➤ Export.
 (page 311) dialog box, click the FTP icon in the Places
Click Tools menu ➤ Add/Modify FTP Locations.
The Post To FTP Locations dialog box is displayed.
In the Name Of FTP Site text box, enter the name of the FTP server.
In the Log On As section, select either Anonymous or User.
If you select the User option, enter a username in the combo box.
Enter a password in the Password text box.
Click Add.
Click OK to return to the Export dialog box.
Exporting an Image to an FTP Site | 51