Avaya 2420 用户手册

页码 60
Using the Call Log 
Page 12 
2420 User Guide 
Page 12 
IP Office 
40DHB0002USEG - Issue 1 (29/04/2003) 
Using the Call Log 
Overview of the Call Log 
The 2420 maintains a call log, accessed by pressing 
This log can store up to 100 entries. These can be incoming answered 
calls, incoming unanswered calls and outgoing calls.  
You can select which types of calls are included in the log. You can also 
use call log entries to make return calls or convert the entry into a speed 
dial for future use.  
WARNING: Calls made using dialing such as pin codes and other 
information will appear in the call log. Either logging of outgoing calls 
should be switched off or those call logs removed manually.  
•  Note: Outgoing calls made using methods other than through the dial 
pad are not logged. 
The details shown are:  
•  Logged calls are shown with the most recent first.  
•  The name of the called or calling party is shown if available.  
•  The number of the called or calling party is shown. 
•  Press 
 to display further pages of entries.  
Pressing the 
 key next to a log entry display further details of that 
particular call.  
•  The type of log entry, ie. AnsweredUn-answered or Outgoing.  
•  The name of the called or calling party is shown if available.  
•  The number of the called or calling party is shown. 
•  The date and time of the call. 
•  Press 
 to display the previous or next logged call. 
•  The 
 keys provide a number of actions.