Samsung A502 用户手册

页码 108
Insert the 
USB cable
Set up the 
camera driver
Before connecting the camera to a PC, via the
USB cable, you will need to set up the camera
driver. Install the camera driver that is contained in
the Application S/W CD-ROM.(p.89)
Take a picture (p.19)
Insert the supplied USB cable into the PC’s USB
port and the camera’s USB connection
Check the camera’s power. If the power is turned
off, press the camera button to turn on.
Take a picture
Check the 
camera’s power
[Removable Disk]
Open Window’s EXPLORER and search for
[Removable Disk].(p.96)
● If you use a card reader to copy the images on the memory card to your PC, the images
could be damaged. When transferring the images taken with the camera to your PC, be sure
to use the supplied USB cable to connect the camera to your PC. Please note that the
manufacturer holds no responsibility for loss or damage of images on the memory card due
to the use of a card reader.
■ Use this camera in the following order